Alternative Careers For Electricians

Alternative careers for electricians: BIM designer, renewable energy, warehouse, equipment operator, material handler, and more.

Being an electrician is a great job. It’s engaging, creative, technical, and requires problem-solving skills and brainpower. Plus, each day is different from the next. But are there some alternative careers for electricians? You bet!

If you are considering beginning training and attaining the education to become an electrician, congratulations! This is a great career option that will allow you to use your hands for projects of all kinds.

Plus, the demand for electricians continues to grow in industries of all kinds, so you should have no problem being able to find a job you love.

Being an electrician is more than just installing and repairing wires. In fact, there are a variety of different jobs that you can choose from, depending on your strengths and individual career goals.

So what are some alternative careers for electricians? What areas of work are best for electricians after they complete their training?

Here are some ideas for those who want to ply their trade in something other than the traditional electrical wiring trades.

Electrical BIM Designer

An electrical BIM (building information modeling) designer utilizes tools and technologies to generate virtual or digital representations of physical spaces. It is an exciting and always-evolving career path.

This job usually requires multiple years of experience using Revit and AutoCAD systems. It also requires basic knowledge and understanding of electrical power systems.

This is the kind of job for a person who is interested in project documentation, deadline functionality and follow-through, and an eagerness to pay attention and document the finer details of the process.

Renewable Energy

The renewable energy sector is growing quickly and areas in wind and solar energy require the specialized skills of electricians for manufacturing, installation, and maintenance. Renewable electricity is the way of the future and thousands of jobs will be added as the world embraces this new and exciting field.


Warehouse workers are crucial to the proper and efficient functioning of electrical service companies. Employees of electric companies who work in warehouses perform a variety of functions, including material handling (more on this below), materials delivery, clean-up work, and the loading and unloading of materials in warehouse settings.

Equipment Operator

Another job that assists in the efficient delivery of electrical services. Equipment operators work on a wide variety of job sites. They are responsible for operating excavators, bulldozers, backhoes, and other earth-moving equipment.

Material Handler

Material handlers perform a variety of important functions both on and off job sites. In addition to material handling, they perform crucial clean-up work, which directly affects a company’s reputation in the industry and among customers. They are also tasked with the loading and unloading of materials at various job sites.

Electricians work both residential and commercial job sites. They work with electrical systems, wind turbines, control systems, and high-voltage scenarios, and know the National Electrical Code by heart. It’s among the most skilled trades in the world.

However, in addition to the alternative careers for electricians listed above, there are other ways to become involved in the electrical industry. One might consider applying for jobs as varied as delivery drivers, receptionists, service dispatchers, project engineers, material handlers, prefab technicians, panel shop manufacturing assemblers, and more.

As you finish your education, electrical apprenticeship, and electrician programs, you can start narrowing down your options for potential jobs.

Be sure to look to Prairie Electric for available positions. We proudly provide competitive pay and a range of excellent benefits across many career paths.

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