Electric Heaters Keep Your Home Safe and Toasty!

Stay warm, stay safe—discover the benefits of electric heaters.

If you’re looking to maintain an efficient, well-warmed home, look no further than electric heaters. We’re not talking about space heaters, those dangerous but oh-so-convenient plug-in devices that heat small areas of your home and frequently cause house fires. Rather, we’re referring to electrically-run heaters that are hard-wired into your home and controlled by a thermostat, just like your gas heat.

When we install electric heaters, we often choose the high-quality models made by Cadet Heat, a local company.

Why go electric? There are quite a few reasons:

Heat Individual Rooms

While central heating systems warm an entire home, electric heaters can make the room you’re in comfortable without wasting energy in unoccupied spaces. Think of it like this: you wouldn’t use a single light switch for all the lights in your home, would you? Electric heat allows for individual heating of individual rooms, for the most energy efficiency available.

Electric heaters are also excellent for keeping your garage or indoor/outdoor work area warm.

Zero Heat Loss

Electric heaters are 100% efficient, with no heat loss. A 1000 watt heater, when receiving the correct voltage, will deliver 1000 watts of heat. In addition, our supplemental heaters have no ducts or external venting, so every bit of energy used converts directly into your family’s warmth and comfort. But the best part? Reduced energy bills.

Easy to Install

New construction can require additional furnace retrofitting and ductwork, or remodeling additions that you may not have worked into your budget. Electric heaters do not require any external venting and come in a wide range of sizes and applications, so you’ll be sure to find one that suits your needs.

Space Efficient

Electric heaters can be purchased in multiple sizes to suit your home, whether you own an apartment or a 3-bedroom house. Because there are no ducts or vents, electric heating also takes up less space than other heating types.


Electric heating is a quiet system that keeps your home warm without buzzing or the sound of a system turning on or off. Our models are quieter than central air systems and even most refrigerators.


Because electric heat does not involve a combustion process, there is a low chance of contaminated air or flames erupting in your home. Be sure to follow clearance guidelines and choose the correct voltage for your supply line when installing an electric heater. Our experts at Prairie Electric are happy to help with any or all of your installation process. 

If any of these options sound good to you, consider electric heating for your home. Prairie Electric is happy to install these models as part of a basic upgrade or whole home remodel.

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